Alireza Abbasy

Session 1:

Monday, June 21 2021, 19-20h

Combing Hulu’s hair for 1 hour.

Session 2:

Monday, July 5 2021, 19-20h

Giving haircuts to plants for 1 hour.

Session 3:

Monday, September 6 2021, 15-16h

As the flowers dry out, it's time for collecting the seeds. Moss Rose is an annual plant and so, when it stops giving new flowers, with the approach of autumn, it means that it is dying. But at the base of every dead flower, there are tens of tiny shiny gray seeds. Madagascar periwinkle is perennial though, it survives winter and tries to reproduce as the seed container of every flower opens up, when ripe, and drops its seeds on the ground. Collecting seeds is very rewarding.

Session 4:

Monday, August 2 2021, 19-20h

Practising writing chinese characters for 1 hour.


Alireza Abbasy, 1981, Tehran, Iran, is a Rotterdam-based interdisciplinary artist, writer and curator.Apart from his education and career in art, he has a solid background in Engineering.
He received his PhD in Technology Management (2012) from Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherland. He holds a Master in Fine Arts (2019) from AKV St. Joost , Den Bosch, the Netherlands.
Alireza is the founder and editor of Sarmad Platform.
