Fatemeh Heydari

Session 1:

Wednesday, Oct 22 2021, 19-20h

I’m interested in blending a soft material with a harsh substance. In this practice I started drawing freely with lines. Eventually, I discovered the potential of realising the drawing with threads. Following the drawing, I started to knit. Since knitting procedure takes time, I couldn’t finish my knitted pieces. I will continue my knitting for the next meeting.

Session 2:

Wednesday, Nov 3 2021, 19-20h

Knitting is sometimes painful, as I lose my sense of time and realize that I have knitted for hours. Meanwhile I am immersed — I can’t stop knitting. While knitting, I get different impulses from my surrounding. This can be the lyrics of a song or listening to a podcast. Those impulses appear as different colours in my work. This journey continues to the next level, which is yet unclear where it leads me for now.

Session 3:

Wednesday, Nov 17 2021, 19-20h

Session 4:

Wednesday, Dec 1 2021, 19-20h


Fatemeh Heydari is a Den Haag-based visual artist. 
