Zoë d'Hont

Session 1:

Wednesday, Oct 20 2021, 19-20h

Sitting in the room and transforming the sound around into a composition for 1 hour.

Session 2:

Wednesday, Nov 3 2021, 19-20h

Sitting in the room and transforming the sound around into a composition for 1 hour.

“The event of my cat taking over the place of my laptop was a memorable one.
I'm still thinking how to get more focus next time. Going for more minimalism probably..”

Session 3:

Wednesday, Nov 17 2021, 19-20h

Having a closer look at the leafs of my favorite tree: the Japanese Maple.
I tried to get to know the leafs by dissect them and arrange them in a certain order.
I don't know if I know them better now, although it was nice to spend time with the leafs.

The next day I brought the leafs back to their origin.

Session 4:

Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021, 19-20h

The repetitional act of writing the Japanese characters gave me the space to listen to all the sounds of the others.


Zoë d’Hont
(1990) has a background in music, visual arts and art science. Composition, the placing of visual or sonic material, is her starting point. In her work she investigates how people experience space and place, how they move through it and how they relate to it. Her site specific installations and performances are a counterreaction to the current trend of disconnection and extreme fluidity in the experience of time and space. By collaborating with the architecture of a place and introducing ritual and delay, the perception is shifted to here and now, providing room for silence and contemplation. In her work she aims to create a moment in which time, place and the mind synchronize.
